Occupational Science Degree (BHS) - Pre-OT ProgramOccupational Science

Become an Occupational Therapist 

The Occupational Science program can serve as a fast-track dual degree program to enable qualified GMercyU students to earn both a Bachelor of Health Science (BHS) in Occupational Science and a Master of Science (MS) in Occupational Therapy* without having to apply to graduate school or take a graduate school entrance exam — and saving you a year of graduate school tuition.
The BHS in Occupational Science and MS in Occupational Therapy can be completed in about 5 years. 职业科学和职业治疗专业设在弗朗西丝大学的职业科学和职业治疗系. Maguire School of Nursing and Health Program.

Program Summary

126 undergraduate credits for BHS in Occupational Science (with 40 additional credits for MS in Occupational Therapy)
3年职前文科教育+ 1年职业治疗专业教育(在第5年完成MSOT学位)


GMercyU职业科学课程的使命是提供一种以获取人类职业知识为中心的教育. As the study of humans as occupational beings, 职业科学研究工作的复杂性, being, belonging, and becoming in relation to health, well-being, and occupational justice. Occupational Science students will be prepared to connect foundational knowledge of occupation in order to apply, analyze, evaluate, and creatively use occupation within the context of occupational therapy education and practice.


Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education

入门级职业治疗硕士学位课程由美国职业治疗协会(AOTA)的职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE)认证。, located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD 20814. ACOTE的电话号码c/o AOTA是(301)652-AOTA,网址是 www.acoteonline.org. 该课程的毕业生将有资格参加由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)管理的职业治疗师国家认证考试。. After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

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About the Program


Occupational Therapy Career Opportunities

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 职业治疗师的年薪中位数为93,180美元 (May 2022). 职业治疗领域的就业增长有望 grow 12% through 2032, four times as fast than the average for all occupations.  And...

Occupational Science is a science that focuses on the activities or “occupations” of everyday living. This growing field of study takes a holistic approach to better understanding the meaning, function, and abilities of healthy and disabled individuals to participate in and perform daily activities and live a satisfying life.

在行为科学方面打下坚实基础的文科课程, particularly psychology, coupled with courses in occupational science will expand your ability to understand how people develop, recover, manage and improve essential skills for daily living.

Courses in occupational science will expand your ability to understand the complexity of things people need to, want to and are expected to do. This type of knowledge is foundational to understanding our clients in occupational therapy as occupational beings.

你知道世界职业治疗师联合会(WFOT)大力支持职业科学及其对社会和职业治疗的价值吗? Gwynedd Mercy University职业科学项目的项目学习成果与WFOT摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站职业科学职位对社会意义的陈述直接相关. To read more about this, please visit this link.


As an occupational therapist, you might:

  • Enable young children with a developmental delay to improve their ability to play or participate in school and other social activities
  • Assist an adult with an orthopedic injury to regain use of his or her hand and arm, 允许他或她更独立地进行日常活动
  • 帮助遭受中风或创伤性脑损伤的老年人进行自我护理和家务活动,使他们能够从医院或专业护理机构安全回家
  • Provide strategies to adolescents with severe mental illness to aid them in finding and securing employment in order to live on their own

A developmental delay or other types of disability can alter one’s ability to perform meaningful daily activities.  A registered occupational therapist helps people to cope and manage their daily activities, as well as adapt to environments in a way that best supports their safety and independence.

Program DetailsOccupational Science

Don’t let the name fool you. GMercyU’s BHS in Occupational Science is less focused on mastering the physical sciences, such as biology, chemistry and physics, and more focused on the science of everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to life.

As an Occupational Science student, 你的大部分专业课程将集中在文科上, including human development, psychology, and occupational science. These courses will help you develop the knowledge needed to better understand the challenges faced by those with disabilities. 通过这样做,职业科学专业的学生为进入社会做了独特的准备 our Occupational Therapy Program.

如果你对职业治疗感兴趣或已经申请了 OT program, please reach out to Kathy Hosack by email at Hosack.K@kgfascist.com or calling (215) 646-7300 ext. 21699.

The four-year Occupational Science major includes three years of pre-professional studies with a focus on liberal arts, occupational science, health science, and general education. The fourth year begins the professional phase of the Occupational Therapy Program, at an undergraduate tuition rate.

The Occupational Science (OSC) courses offered in this dual degree program are listed below:

Year 1: Fall
OSC 100:职业与职业科学导论(3学分)

Year 2: Spring
OSC 201:人类职业的性质和意义(3学分)

Year 3: Spring
OSC 301: Occupational Perspective of Health (3 credits)
OSC 302:职业行为神经科学(3学分)

Year 4: Summer
OSC 402:神经科学用于职业治疗(2学分)
OSC 410:职业治疗的伦理基础(2学分)

Year 4: Fall
OSC 404: Therapeutic Use of Self (2 credits)
OSC 405: Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
OSC 406: Creativity and Activity Analysis (2 credits)
OSC 414:研究方法I:循证实践(3学分)
OSC 416: Health Care, Policy, and Advocacy (3 credits)
OSC 419:职业治疗的功能解剖学和运动机能学(4学分)

Year 4: Spring
OSC 411:儿童和青年的健康和职业参与(3学分)
OSC 412:职业治疗过程:儿童和青少年(5学分)
OSC 413:职业治疗实习I:儿童和青少年(1学分)
OSC 416: Health Care, Policy, and Advocacy (2 credits)
OSC 421: Occupational Therapy & Upper Extremity Rehabilitation (3 credits)
OSC 4000:研究方法II:应用研究(3学分)

Please note: All professional phase Occupational Therapy students (senior year and beyond) may be required to obtain the following annually – background check, physical, current CPR certification, PPD testing, health insurance. Students will be required to have a laptop, have transportation to and from fieldwork, and expected to hold student memberships to the American Occupational Therapy Association and Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association.

其他职业治疗课程列表可在 MSOT degree page.

OSC 402:神经科学用于职业治疗(2学分)
本课程将使学生深入了解神经系统与职业表现之间错综复杂的关系. 本课程探讨神经科学的基本原理, including the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological bases of sensory perception, emotion, cognition, learning, and movement, 以及这些概念与职业治疗实践的关系.

OSC 404: Therapeutic Use of Self (2 credits)
Exploration of human behavioral theories and practice of therapeutic use of self within individual and group therapeutic contexts. 专注于理解个人和群体的职业需求, teaching-learning process, appraisal of effective communication, empathy, mindfulness, 建立融洽的关系来促进有效的治疗关系.

OSC 405: Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
Introduction to the foundations of the occupational therapy profession including its history, philosophical base, professional terminology, theory development, frames of reference, 以及职业治疗从业者的不同范围和角色.

OSC 406: Creativity and Activity Analysis (2 credits)
通过以客户为中心的活动来促进健康和康复,探索历史和当代在促进健康方面使用创造力. Emphasis on the analysis, grading, and managing the complexity of therapeutic activities. Includes a practice lab.

This course explores the fundamental values and standards that guide ethical decision-making in the context of occupational therapy practice.

OSC 411:儿童和青年的健康和职业参与(3学分)
Examines the development, occupational behavior, and prevailing health needs of children and adolescents with or at risk for disabilities and occupational injustice. 把重点放在理解儿童和青年作为具有各种健康状况的职业存在,这些健康状况可能影响职业表现和参与.

OSC 412:职业治疗过程:儿童和青少年(5学分)
Integrates theories and the occupational therapy process of evaluation (including assessment), intervention, and targeted outcomes with children and adolescents. Includes a practice lab.

OSC 413:职业治疗实习I:儿童和青少年(1学分)
Immersion experience into a therapeutic service delivery context with children or youth.

OSC 414:研究方法I:循证实践(3学分)
回顾定量和定性研究方法, 对专业文献和证据水平的评估, and the influence of clinical expertise and client values in supporting best therapeutic practices.

OSC 416: Health Care, Policy, and Advocacy (3 credits)
A focus on understanding health care, policy, and reimbursement that influence access to occupational therapy practice across multiple practice areas. 专业内部和跨专业角色的回顾, 以及影响职业治疗实践的法律法规. Promotion of occupational therapy to other professionals, service providers, consumers, third-party payers, regulatory bodies, and to the public.

OSC 419:职业治疗的功能解剖学和运动机能学(5学分)
专注于人体功能和结构的研究,主要强调功能解剖学在关注领域内的职业治疗和分析典型, atypical, and compensatory human movement across the life span.

OSC 421:职业治疗和上肢康复(3学分)
This course focuses on the evaluation and treatment of upper extremity dysfunction from an occupational therapy perspective. This lecture/lab combination covers nerve and muscular/orthopedic issues throughout the upper extremity with an emphasis on the wrist and hand. 本课程的实验部分将制作多个矫形器.

OSC 4000:研究方法II:应用研究(3学分)
本课程旨在为学生提供从事职业治疗专业有效研究实践所需的知识和技能. This course emphasizes the practical application of research methodologies to address real-world challenges faced by occupational therapists.


mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站的学生职业治疗协会(SOTA)是一个活跃而富有成效的学生组织,主要由职业科学和职业治疗专业的学生组成. SOTA serves to enhance the public understanding of the occupational therapy profession through professional development, fundraising, social media, community service, occupational justice, and social activities. To meet the current SOTA Executive Board and to learn of past and upcoming SOTA events, please visit the SOTA homepage.

Occupational Science majors are required to complete 126 credits to earn a Bachelor of Health Science (BHS) in Occupational Science.

Students are eligible to re-take up to 2 courses in the Occupational Science curriculum that are not an OSC 400 level course. 如果学生在一门或多门400级课程中成绩低于C, 他们不能在大四继续学习职业治疗硕士课程,除非重修该课程并在该课程中获得“B”或更高的成绩. 如果学生在三门或三门以上的400级课程中成绩低于C, they will be disqualified from taking coursework to earn a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy. 被取消资格的学生可以更改专业,完成格温内斯大学提供的不同专业的课程和学士学位要求.

Thomas MernarThomas Mernar, PhD, OTR/L
Position: Associate Professor and Program Director, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Did You Know? Dr. Mernar founded the OS and OT programs at GMercyU. 他是一名执业职业治疗师(OTR)超过20年, with experience working clinically in acute and sub-acute traumatic brain injury units, sub-acute skilled nursing, long-term care, and assisted living facilities.
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Michele PetersonMichele Peterson, MS, OTR/L
Position: 职业治疗讲师和学术实地工作协调员
Did You Know? Professor Peterson has been licensed Occupational Therapist (OTR®) for more than 20 years with experience working in pediatrics, specifically school-based, preschool age, birth to three, and pediatric in-patient and out-patient settings. She holds a specialty certification in the Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to feeding.
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Mindy MacRone-WoltonMindy MacRone-Wolton, DSc, OTR/L
Position: 助理教授,职业科学和职业治疗
Did You Know? Dr. Wojton是一名执业职业治疗师(OTR®)已有20多年的历史. 她职业生涯的大部分时间都是在校治疗师, 为患有注意力缺陷障碍的学生提供帮助, autism, cerebral palsy, emotional disturbance, genetic disorders, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities.
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Sharon MontgomerySharon Montgomery, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, CEAS
Position: 助理教授,职业科学和职业治疗
Did You Know? Dr. Montgomery has been a registered and licensed Occupational Therapist (OTR®) for more than 30 years. She has spent her career working in a hospital setting providing both adult inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and she holds a specialty certification in Hand Therapy.
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Sharon MontgomeryMegan R. Mueller, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR
Position: 助理教授,职业科学和职业治疗
Did You Know? 注册及持牌职业治疗师(OTR®)超过10年, Mueller has worked in the acute inpatient rehabilitation setting with adults who sustained spinal cord injuries, cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic brain injuries, and numerous other
neurologic and orthopedic conditions.

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There are three paths of entry into the dual degree program in Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy.

首先,挑选一些高中毕业生作为新生入学. 高中毕业生必须持有最低累积绩点3.1 (based on a 4.00 scale), 1080 combined Math and Verbal SAT or at least a 22 on the ACT with no subsection under 20. 解剖学和生理学课程不接受CLEP或AP学分, General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Sociology/Anthropology or Statistics. Due to the limited number of spaces available in the BHS in Occupational Science (Pre-OT) program, first-year students are strongly encouraged to submit a completed application no later than December 1.  招生团队将在12月审查所有完成的职业科学项目申请,并在1月开始发布录取决定. Students who apply after the December 1 deadline will be considered for admission based on their qualifications and available spots.

Second, a select number of undergraduate students enrolled at GMercyU can apply to change their major to Occupational Science. 有资格转专业到职业科学, GMercyU students must have completed 24 or more credits at GMercyU by the end of the spring semester, maintained a cumulative GPA of a 3.1 or greater, submit the internal student change of major application to Dr. Thomas Mernar, Program Director of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Programs at mernar.t@kgfascist.com,并与项目主管进行面谈. Having earned an overall GPA of 3.1 or greater does not guarantee acceptance of a change of major to Occupational Science. Your academic transcript will be reviewed in order to determine your change of major eligibility. If you meet the GPA requirements, the Program Director of the Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Program will contact you for an interview.

Third, pending the current cohort size, 来自其他学术机构的有限数量的学生如果完成了本科入学申请,可能有资格直接转入职业科学专业, completed 24 or more credits, maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.1 or greater, 完成一份外部学生转学申请,包括一篇书面论文, and conduct an in-person interview with an Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Program faculty member. 过去五年内修满的学分不能超过35个,可以转入职业科学专业的教育要求. 


  • Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.1 or greater.
  • Prerequisite courses (General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Sociology, Anatomy and Physiology I and II with lab, and Statistics) combined GPA of 3.1分或以上,在所有这些必修课程中获得C或以上.
  • 在大一秋季至大三春季期间完成20小时或以上的职业治疗观察并记录下来,或完成指导老师布置的替代作业.
  • Attest to being able to meet the technical standards for occupational therapy practice. Students entering into and engaged during the full course of the Occupational Therapy Master’s Program must possess essential skills (observation, communication, motor function, intellectual-conceptual abilities, integrative and quantitative abilities, 以及行为和社会属性)来执行所有的教育(课堂), laboratory and clinical), fieldwork, and experiential preceptorship tasks in an accurate, safe, and efficient manner, to the satisfaction of the faculty, with or without reasonable accommodation. 


  • Normal or corrected visual ability sufficient for client observation and assessment to ensure safety and accurate measurement.
  • Ability to obtain information from written documents, videotaped data, graphic images and measuring devices accurately and within a reasonable time frame. 
  • 能够充分监测和评估客户的健康需求. 


  • Interact with others in a professional, courteous, 良好的协作精神,同时对保密有良好的判断力.
  • Demonstrate respect for the dignity of each person.
  • Maintain integrity in word and deed with others.
  • Read, speak, and write in English effectively using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Motor Function

  • 采取多种身体姿势,包括连续坐着, standing, walking, bending, reaching, pulling, lifting, stooping, kneeling, and crawling.
  • Demonstrate manipulation skills to effectively carry and use therapeutic equipment (i.e. assistive devices, weights). 
  • 演示安全处理不同体型人员所需的移动和移动技能,以便在有或没有辅助装置的情况下进行功能移动时的安全转移和保护.
  • Pushing and pulling in order to provide resistance for the purposes of maneuvering and transitioning persons such during bed mobility, using a wheelchair, and for sitting and standing balance activities.
  • Demonstrate eye-hand coordination, postural control, strength, endurance, and integrated function of the senses (vision, hearing, smell, and touch) during the therapeutic process.

Intellectual-Conceptual Abilities

  • Demonstrate verbal and written insight into one’s own academic and clinical performance.
  • Demonstrate the mental capacity to understand, problem solve, and make judgments in order to promote ethical reasoning.
  • Demonstrate ability to collect, document, and analyze evaluation data and implement client-centered and occupation-based interventions. 

Integrative and Quantitative Abilities

  • Demonstrate the mental capacity to understand, problem solve, and make judgments in order to promote safety.
  • Intellectual capacities to measure, evaluate, calculate, reason, 分析和综合客户服务的具体信息.
  • Demonstrate ability to apply information learned from the classroom to a therapeutic practice environment.

Behavioral and Social Attributes

  • Demonstrate mature and professional behaviors with other students, faculty, colleagues, and clients.
  • Be receptive and open to mentor feedback about academic or fieldwork performance and adherence to academic and fieldwork policies and procedures. 
  • 与客户建立并维持治疗关系.
  • 具有良好的团队协作能力.

学生应该仔细阅读MSOT项目的技术标准,并确定MSOT项目的任何部分(教学和临床)是否需要额外的支持. Students are encouraged to contact the Student Accessibility Services Office to arrange an individualized consultation to discuss any support services or accommodations they may need. 

Please note: 参加这个项目的学生必须有能力获得美国签证.S. 背景调查和其他许可安排在美国.S. clinical/school setting. U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is also a requirement for licensure within certain academic programs. 国际学生和DACA身份下的学生或无证件的学生在参加学位课程之前应该仔细审查他们所在州的许可证要求,从而获得许可证. Additional information can be found on the National Conference of State Legislatures website. 

At GMercyU, 我们努力通过财政援助使所有人都能获得优质教育, scholarships, and grants. As a military-friendly university, we welcome service members and participate in all VA educational benefits programs. 

Start your journey to becoming an occupational therapist. Apply to GMercyU's BHS in Occupational Science today!

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